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First Partnership Meeting

Jim Dexter, DNR Fisheries and Frank Beaver, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians

The first partnership meeting for the Michigan Arctic Grayling Initiative was held on August 18, 2016 at the Ralph A. MacMullen Conference Center near Roscommon. Those already performing research on Arctic Grayling were brought together as well as organizations that had an interest. At this first meeting, more than 60 participants and 32 organizations were represented. Realizing early on that the reintroduction of Arctic Grayling to Michigan was too big of a lift for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Division and the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, it was exciting to see that so many were not only interested in this long term project but ready and willing to assist. From this first partner meeting it appears that we may truly be able to bring Arctic Grayling back home to Michigan waters!

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The Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, announced a proposed initiative in June 2016 that aims to bring back an extirpated species to the state – Arctic grayling.  The Michigan Arctic Grayling Initiative seeks to establish self-sustaining populations of this species throughout its historical range in Michigan. The initiative has more than 50 partners collaborating on the reintroduction.

The next steps include identifying interest and abilities of partners, collecting baseline data, initiating the building of broodstock and stocking efforts. The Manistee River watershed, once known as a premier grayling river, will be the first location for reintroduction.

The DNR will work closely with partners as the proposed Michigan Arctic Grayling Initiative moves forward. The Little River Band, located in Manistee County, has been engaged in extensive research for potential grayling reintroduction for several years.

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