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The role fish production plays in the effort to reestablish grayling in Michigan differs significantly from the role it plays in many fish management efforts. In most instances, fish destined for stocking are reared either intensively in tanks and raceways or extensively in ponds, with the product stocked as fingerlings or yearlings. 


At the onset of this effort, the only fish reared beyond the eyed egg stage are those that are to be used as future broodstock. 


In preparing for grayling reintroduction, the principles of genetic management must be followed to ensure success. All efforts will be made to found this population with as much genetic diversity as is practicable. Efforts will be made to obtain fertilized eggs for three successive years from Alaska, and tissue samples will be collected from all future brood lots and production lots so that genetic condition can be monitored as management of this species progresses.


For more detailed information on the Fish Production Focus Area, please view the Action Plan section for Fish Production.

Fish Production Goals:


  1. Experiment with Remote Site Incubator (RSI) Designs.

  2. Produce eggs for RSIs that meet management and research needs.

  3. Ensure fish health standards are upheld.

  4. Identify what resources among partners will help to develop captive brood.

  5. Maintain a genetically diverse broodstock of 800 adults to spawn per year class per facility.

Magnified view of an Arctic Grayling egg
Arctic Grayling eggs shown from a Remote Site Incubator or RSI
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